Size: A6 (per image)
• Pick 2 words from the list • Use basic elements (dot, line, shape…) to create 2 abstract / semi‐abstract images conveying
meaning of these words (1 image per word)
I have picked disorder and clutter. Quite a fun challenge to pick these two as they seem close. So, i decided to try how I can differentiate one from the other. Mainly made use of shapes, lines and dots.
Disorder: It is slightly heavier on the top (with more subjects) to reinforce the sense of unbalance and disorder. Tried to inject different thickness and sizes to help create the sense of disorder. However, frankly, it doesn't look disorder enough for me, perhaps to the pattern that it seems to hold.
Clutter: Made it heavy and squeezy on one corner to bring across the feel of being cluttered. The overlapping of shapes and lines helps to reinforce the idea of clutter.