Analysis – A discussion of HOW things are presented with an emphasis on rela1onships
Interpretaton – A sense of the meaning, implicaton, or effect of the piece
Judgment – Evaluatng the successes and shortcomings of the piece
The picture depicts an “avatarized” figure amidst the jungle. The words, “James Cameron’s Avatar, Only in Cinema”, at the top left, further suggests a reference to the recent hot-selling movie, Avatar, while the McDonalds logo at the top right indicates McDonalds’ involvement in this project.
The focus of the picture lies on the Na’vi character in the foreground, right in the centre, before our eyes are guided to the lighter background with more small details. While it is known that this graphic has most likely been generated from the “avatarize yourself” widget sponsored by McDonalds Europe as part of its marketing campaign, the graphic by itself, standing as an art piece, does not relate to the audience sufficient information on the work. For one who does not know the availability of this McDonalds’ project, he is highly unlikely to decipher the artist’s intention or the intended message of this particular work, though it is not hard for him to point out the main reference to Avatar.
In addition, the graphic is not projected at a suitable resolution, hence resulting in its pixilation.